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      08-22-2021, 08:43 AM   #16

Drives: Potato
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: USA

iTrader: (1)

More pics from outside:
First is the track with the inner door closed. Left is the screen door track, we bought new ones because of all the corrosion on the old ones, and the new ones remain stored in our garage until fall. Note the rust stains and some corrosion on the track is from the iron/steel wheels etc in those screens, and the prior owner’s failure to maintain.

Next is the weep hole on the left side. Note the seam running along the edge - makes me wonder if the entire top track can be removed (I had previously thought only the inside piece comes out, where the screws are in the prior pic set). But that would require removing the doors. Also note the drain gaps at the end of the tracks, which run inside the track to the weep holes.

Third is the weep hole on the right - looks like I need to clean it out a bit.

Fourth is a wider shot for perspective.

Next is the left end of the track closer view to show the drain channels at the end. Note the door has a felt(?) barrier along its track. Water sheds but also will get in there and run out the escapes shown in the prior pic set.

Finally the gap at the right end of the door, mostly in the screen track. This gap is pretty big, allowing stuff to get inside when it is windy and making a nice spot for the lizards to hang out. Likely contributors to the mold.

I’m off to HD now.
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Last edited by 2000cs; 08-22-2021 at 08:49 AM..
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