Here is an attempt to upload 3 pics:
The first picture shows the track. Note the rusted screws. You can see the gap along the inside edge of the inner track (1) and outside edge of the middle track (2). The fixed window is in Track 3. If the screws could be removed that inside track would lift out - but all three doors have to come out first since the track runs the length of the opening. Also drain gaps at the end of the track. Apologies for the dog hair, hadn’t cleaned before picture.
The second picture is a close-up of the track where one of the rusty screws holds it in. You can see the gaps better in this picture. These allow condensation, etc to drain from the inside, under the visible track, and out the weep holes outside.
Third pic gives a sense of size and that the exterior is covered, so rain hitting it is rare (weather usually comes from the right in this pic).