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      08-20-2021, 09:56 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by TiMSport View Post
I was not disturbed by that photo, I laughed when I saw it. I didn't take said photo either in case you're thinking it. No, it's not funny when people truly hoard and it's hard to know who is doing it. But if big box retailers start reporting getting these supplies wiped out, you can probably bet that it's due to the typical hoarders. As you said, it could be an innocent person stocking up for an office like they would normally. Anyway, it's Friday and I thought it was funny but fuck me.

As for the mask comment, I sensed your anger simply by the fact you said you'd shove a camera up someone's ass if they took a pic of your cart. I was "mind reading" in that perhaps you'd rage if someone asked you to wear a mask. My bad.

Too many people on edge these days.
Yeah your bad. Everyone posting for clicks and chastising the person next to them.
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