Originally Posted by Tommy-G
Best time to buy tires~When you have the money
Tell me about it.. I have the money, however, I'm looking to save the money I have by not spending too much if I dont have too
Originally Posted by jmack
Time it with your preferred manufacture's rebates. Michelin, Bridgestone, BFG, etc all rotate having $80-150 rebates every month. Michelin and Continental are doing $100+ off on tirerack, costco, etc. Last month it was BFG and Goodyear.
I'll have to look into that, however, I dont recall ever seeing a manufactures rebate for Nitto... I could be wrong
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
I have used TireRack since I bought my car in 2007 (sponsor of this website, has an ad up top) but recently a DiscountTire opened a little closer to me and I had a great experience with them. Great prices and great customer service.
What size are you looking for? I have looked for what I normally get for a while and have never seen them on sale (305/55R18 or 285/65R18)
As I mentioned in my previous post, Tire Rack does not sell Nitto's.. I have a Discount Tire near me, I'll have to take a look and see they carry them.. To answer your question, I'm looking for the Nitto Ridge Grapplers in a 305/55R20 ...not the 18's as you have listed.
I'll check out Discount Tires...