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      05-27-2021, 12:53 PM   #394

Drives: E93 M3
Join Date: May 2020
Location: California

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Originally Posted by GuidoK View Post
I think that is written from a HAM fan pov
The closer 2 competitors get, the more fierce their fans get in their reactions.

Football fans (hooligans) are way worse. They meet in secret to fight out their differences with clubs, hammers and knives. Even throwing iron rods at players in the field (famous incident in hooligan history).
We still dont see F1 fans throwing things to the cars I believe. (although riotting in F1 is already beginning amongst fans after wins sadly, so we might get to see a similar dark future in F1...)
The hooligans are one of the reasons I don't watch football out of principle (and I live in one of the most football crazed nations in Europe)
Although we have no skin in this game, the fun banter is enough for me. Sad when the banter gets personal to the point as you mentioned. What is gained by that? That is when sports become unwatchable, and everyone loses.
Appreciate 2