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      05-13-2021, 12:31 AM   #230
fiveohwblow's Avatar

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Originally Posted by Autobacs View Post
You are making it simplistic, implying that (for some people, not necessarily you) if you do not support Lewis's political position on racism, you must be racist. There is the folly right there. There are many ways to skin the cat, so to speak. Some will disagree on Lewis's take on racism, some will agree, EVEN THOUGH BOTH ARE AGAINST RACISM.

That is the point right there on why I disagree with mixing politics with sports. What is also apparent is some have the idea that if you disagree with Lewis's position on racism, you must be racist, which is simply idiotic IMO.

So that is why REGARDLESS of political position, whether I agree with it or not, it should NOT be mixed in with sports.

Leave politics to the Politicians in the same way I would not want politicians driving race cars.


But but but it’s always beeeen that wayyyy!
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