Originally Posted by UncleWede
The poor bees are hungry as those just pop up. Less herbicide, more fingers.
I hear ya, Wede. I am bee friendly and have a bunch of alliums and serviceberry in the front for them. I manually weed around those. At about 32k sq ft of yard, I prefer to walk and spray if enough crap has popped up in the grass. Tank sprayer on the LT if it's really bad.
Most haven't flowered yet either....yet. Need to get'em while they're young. Oxalis is my bane right now and will be my biggest battle this year if last was any indication.
Originally Posted by F10c550i
If you are applying it to an irrigated area than you can still put it down. Pre emergent has to be watered in by rain or irrigation to be effective. Keep in mind pre emergent has no post control. You will have to spray anying that has already germinated with a selective herbicide like speedzone.
Had various pop-up heads put in throughout my property last fall. Soooo much easier since I've got 32k sq ft of yard! System gets turned back on this coming Tuesday.
I just wasn't sure if I missed the spring timing for getting it down. Not a big deal if so. I didn't get it down last year and managed. I'll get it down.
I like to use T-Zone for most things and Q4+ when needed. Tenacity is fun for when I want to add some temporary color to the lawn.

. I was already planning to spray this weekend. I have an on-goung border battle w/ the empty, unkept lot next to mine that needs some scorched earth tactics right now.
Originally Posted by lsturbointeg
Yeah throw down that prodiamine. Has your grass still not waking up?
Will do! Yeah, it's started waking up. Hasn't thickened out yet but I def need to mow.