Originally Posted by bosstones
The snow here has now melted and revealed the lovely matted down grass that is typical this time of year. Not looking forward to raking all 32k sq ft to break it up so more air and light can get in once the grass starts coming out of dormancy. Maybe I'll run the lawn sweeper over it first to see how good a job that does.
Also need to start digging up last year's clumping fescue and reseeding those spots.
it's getting close to lawn season again!!! i'll be using my lawn sweeper to get the grass back up again and get some air flow moving. Than mow off all the dead grass since i left it at 3" just before winter. probably as low as i can get it without scalping the grass
ordered a new fertilizer spreader since the Scott's one sux with it's plastic wheels. this one has 12 inch pneumatic tires which will make it easier
the only project i have for the outside this year is just upgrade my sprinklers in the flower beds to drip irrigation