Originally Posted by JP10
Millennial here, hell almost Gen Z. 100% agree with the comments in regards to how your parents raised you. Don't think it has to do with generational as much because there are plenty of gen x & boomers that are glued to their devices as well. Those that constantly seek approval from others are the biggest offenders for the abuse of social media. Without the need for approval the "need" to post on social media dwindles.
As to the job interview and glued to their phone comments, why the hell does it matter. They could be reading something pertaining to the position, would you still berate them? If I'm waiting for a while I'm not just going to stare off into space, I'll preoccupy myself. Now those abusing use of their phones during work hours is completely different, but people seem to assume too much these days. Judgement happens from all fronts, I'm constantly teaching boomers basic computer functions and you don't see me bitching lol.
I feel like there is a sliding scale for each situation. Reading a phone while waiting for an interview is one thing (although I don't recommend it) and videoing the arrival to an interview is another.
My favorite with the elders and IT is when employees will say "I'm too old to learn that, I'm just not good with technology"... well maybe you should retire then since computers have been a part of your job for over 20 years now.