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      02-11-2021, 01:43 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Glad I never got caught up in any of that. Feel sorry for people who let it run/ruin their life.

A while ago I read about a woman who was on facebook and she got so wrapped up in it that it took over her life. She began to neglect her kids and her husband. After a while her husband couldn't take it anymore and finally he divorced her and got custody of the kids. She lost her family, which should be the most important thing in a person's life, over facebook. So sad. Like a drug addiction.

It's especially bad for young people who grew up with it thinking it really matters what people say/think about them online. It doesn't.

Just disconnect...
Also read a majority of modern divorce documents cite ‘Facebook’ to some capacity. Don’t have source as I’m mobile. It’s real.
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