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      02-07-2021, 11:25 AM   #31
///M Power-Belgium
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Join Date: Jul 2012
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Originally Posted by VisualEcho View Post
Don't believe everything you read.

You can't say that until you're there.

Pretty sure. Interesting. I don't agree. You're not sure at all. Again, do what he does, walk in his shoes, see what makes the most sense from his perspective, not yours.

Until that time you're just writing like you work for a tabloid.
Don't believe everything you read ?
Well mate , I do believe the articles . Don't see why I shouldn't believe it , as it comes from different media inside information sources ..

Walk in HAM's shoes ?
NO ! Thank you very much . I would look like a crazy chicken idiot .
If HAM is the GOAT . But afraid for MAX ? It's for sure he's #noballs !
The 7 time World Champion , but the boy is afraid ! ...Give me a break !

But hey ! Bimmerpost is a tabloid as well...
"MAX VERSTAPPEN" IS THE 2021+2022+2023+2024 F1 WORLD CHAMPION - #UnLeashTheLion -

BPM DEV-Tune & DCT Software-Tune & Servotronic & coding ///Alpine HID Angeleyes ///Oem.exhaust mod.
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