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      02-07-2021, 05:17 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by M5theonlyone View Post
^ Rubbish. If Hamilton walked (and I hope he does) then there would be a breath of fresh air in F1 and new opportunities for others. F1 is being strangled by greedy Merc with their unfair advantage taken with their corporate clout. The sooner the whole F* shebang goes then F1 will return to normality and proper fans will return.
F1 has always been this way...McLaren/Ferrari/Red Bull/Mercedes have all had winning streaks.
One teams finds a sweet spot for their design and the FIA keep changing the regulations to try and even the playing field.
Mercs time will pass and a different team will come to the front.
"Proper fans" aren't the ones who only turn up to idolize one driver...the Dutch fans will most all disappear once Verstappen leaves just as Schumacher fans did in the past and no doubt some Hamilton fans will be the same.
The actual proper fans have seen drivers come and go...they watch for the racing.
Myself I wouldn't be unhappy if Hamilton decided to retire...he will go down in history as one of the all time greats.
Sadly for you pair Verstappen will not.
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