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      01-04-2021, 05:11 PM   #176
Brigadier General

Drives: M3
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: CA

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Originally Posted by The HACK View Post
Model S Plaid can do 520 miles on a single charge. At freeway speeds it loses up to 20% range. So the S Plaid can easily make 400+ miles at 70+ mph.

Granted it cost $136K.
Would never pay that for an S. Also doesn't even exist yet. When their $50k car can do that range, I am down. I don't need the performance(not what this car would be for), long range 3 I test drove was plenty quick enough.

On another note, I asked my insurance agent how much insurance cost on a model 3 long range. His reply was more than the GT4 I have incoming. What the hell, that can't be right. Are people really paying that for insurance? He also said long range and performance premium is the same, since they are both dual motor.
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