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      01-03-2021, 01:00 AM   #134
Major General

Drives: '08 M Roadster
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Originally Posted by 5.M0NSTER View Post
To be fair though, Electric cars have their share of sensors and components you don’t find in ICE cars. Examples: DC to DC converters, motor resolvers, motor control ECUs, torque sensors, multitude of high voltage sensors and current sensors, shaft speed sensors, etc. and the technology is in its infancy, meaning more frequent failure rates than the old tech.
This is true, but the failure rate of solid state electronics can be extremely low in a good design. Properly designed electronics can last decades, if not longer. If not for capacitor aging or soldering issues due to thermal cycling, there are a lot of low voltage electronics that would last forever.

Most of those technologies you mention are already present in ICE cars, though not to the same degree perhaps. We already see things like stepper motor driver failures on the throttle bodies of the E92 M3. New BMWs are full of sensors.

Such high voltage and current DC-DC conversion has not been the norm in automotive applications, but it should be one of the most heavily exercised systems and get a lot of design attention.
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