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      09-28-2020, 04:02 PM   #1206

Drives: '13 135i
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: OKC, OK

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Originally Posted by King Rudi View Post strange how certain things become popular. The company has been around since '66 and suddenly now they are the cool shoe to wear. I started wearing Vans when I was 12, because I skated (skateboarding that is). Used to get made fun of for wearing them because they weren't Nike Air. It's funny how out of nowhere suddenly they are popular. It's like North Face jackets a few years ago.

If I see a person wearing Vans these days, the first thing that crosses my mind when I walk past is "poser." Yes it's just a shoe, but I find it hilarious to see people my age wearing them because they see young people wear them and want to be cool too.....which ultimately makes them not cool. Now, if I see anyone wearing them, of any age, and the shoes show signs of actually being skated in; not only do you earn respect, I may even stop and chat with you. If you own Vans and they are pristine, my question is how many North Face jackets do you own? It's like showing up on a job site with tools that show no signs of wear. You may get respect from people who like clean tools, but from the people that know what's going on; you get no love.

That is a cool gift from the company though.

p.s. not passing judgement on your kicks, just my $.02 which is worth less than $.02.

This reads like a post on social media and it makes me sad that people care about such trivial BS.
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