Originally Posted by MADBMWX3
I assume you are referring to the earthquake vs hurricane..since..yes, we did have a hurricane in 2017 and it destroyed a lot back then. But I traveled multiple times to Puerto Rico between 2018 and 2019 and the island was back to 99.99% for the most part.
So, to your question. How is everything? No short answer. Unlike Hurricane Maria that impacted 100% of the island--that's not the case with the earthquake. Strangely enough and due to the nature of the tectonic plate in the area, the earthquake only affected the Southwest side of the island. Out of 78 cities in PR, only about 10-15 got affected. Severely to moderately damaged about 5-6 cities of those. The bad news is most of the beautiful beaches are in that area. The good news, is that we have other beautiful beaches in other areas:
I was there from Dec 29 - Jan 14, 2020. The earthquake happened on Jan 7. I stayed put (didn't travel around) until around Jan 10. Then after that, I went to the beach, visited the area and resumed normal activities. Of course not the case for those near the affected area. If you have additional questions....please feel free to PM me. I will be more than glad to give you the ground truth. If you want, tell me where you are going to stay (city) and what you plan to see (areas) and I will ask my family for a status update. Both, my wife and I have family there...and we are in daily comms with them.
That's really good to hear. And I will reach out to you for additional details.