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      01-14-2020, 11:59 AM   #1781
Rmtt's Avatar

Drives: 2011 BMW 128i, 2008 LS3 C6
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: South Carolina

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Originally Posted by tony55343 View Post
I had a tattoo appt this past Friday so I made sure to get my workout in before that . I took Sat/Sun off to allow the tattoo to heal up a tad bit , and made it back to the gym yesterday for some arms/chest and cardio . Havent strayed over my 1825 daily calories since I have started , and /i think tomorrow I'll be under 250 lbs for the first time in years !! Feels nice feeling pants get loser and seeing those numbers go down . Have a ways to go to reach my goal , but I',m gonna keep on grinding!!
Good for you. Sounds like it's become 2nd nature for you. Just remember consistency is everything. Don't worry about the big picture...just keep stringing those daily goals together!
Everybody has a gameplan....until they get punched in the mouth.
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