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      06-09-2019, 12:34 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by yco View Post
i believe its more likely for having competition cause he said its good for F1 itself also.. Bottas is a very fast guy but not in the league with Lewis.. he s still making weird mistakes during the race.. im not saying it because he had a half spin yesterday.. Nico was pushing 120% for getting that championship.. i strongly believe that he wasnt sure he could that again.. Nico is just an overhyped driver for me..

he ll be in Merc' in 1-2 years..
In which driver's place?
LH is going nowhere, and should Bottas be replaced, they will put Ocon in his place.

I rather see him in a Ferrari in 2 years time, in place of Vettel.
Appreciate 1