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      05-03-2019, 12:48 PM   #136
Rmtt's Avatar

Drives: 2011 BMW 128i, 2008 LS3 C6
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: South Carolina

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Originally Posted by Germanauto View Post
Well said. I really agree with your point about the lines of the car. Up until their latest one my folks always had X5s in silver. There was something just beautiful about how it looked in the right lighting especially after a wash. This purple hue would develop under the evening sky.

I remember seeing a commercial for the new Boxster a few years ago and it was silver with red interior. Just a beautiful combination. If I weren't dead set on getting a sports car in a "loud" color that would be my choice.

I believe silver has dropped a bit in popularity while white has taken risen in popularity.

Yeah...I'm guilty of owning way too many silver and black cars in my history. My current weekend car (Corvette) is silver metallic with the top and "halo' painted black. I think it looks okay, but lighting really makes a difference when you can see the "flake" in the paint.

When I needed another "daily", I went white as I had never had one. But I'm a boring person...never been much into loud colors.
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