Thread: The Pet Thread
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      03-13-2019, 01:01 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by Run Silent View Post
Wow - NFC's are extremely rare in the United States (and quite expensive! - Ours was 4 figures). Which breeder did you get yours from? There are only a handful across the whole country - so I probably know them. We got ours from Patty Herriman - here:
Not sure the name of the person...but we got her from Matthews NC I believe. It was actually my wife's Brother that set everything up.

He breeds Norwegian Elkhounds and we have two of those. We did end up paying quite a bit. I just thought it was funny that we had dogs and a cat that were both Norwegian.

He gets a crazy amount of money for his dogs....all of it by word of mouth. Has people from all over the east coast waiting on some of his litters, so he knows a lot of different people especially in NC.

Crazy things is that we have a Miniature Schnauzer as well that replaced a dog that my wife had that lived to be almost 19 years old. She had that dog longer than I had been around. I let her grieve for a few months, and when I thought she was ready...I got her the Mini. Her brother arranged that as well.

But I paid considerably more for the Schnauzer ($2K) than I did for my daughter's cat. The Elkhounds were free as he let my wife pick 1 from one litter, and then another from another litter a year later so he would have a playmate.
Everybody has a gameplan....until they get punched in the mouth.
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Run Silent15091.50