Thread: The Pet Thread
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      03-13-2019, 12:34 PM   #195
King Rudi
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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
We have a Norwegian as well (it's my daughter's cat) along with a Maine Coon that my wife had when we got married.

Both are huge 18+lbs or more and scary looking, but are the easiest going cats you would ever see.

It's like they are on a perpetual "high". You could set a bomb off behind either of them and it wouldn't phase them!
Mine is a rescue and was a couple of years old when I brought him home. The vet thinks he is a NFC/MC mix. He's 22 pounds and a mix of straight up odd behavior'd and the perfect pet. He doesn't pant like the NFC but his meow is pretty deep and often chirps like MC's do. He's as chill of a cat as I have ever seen; like you said completely unaffected by some things but when the mood strikes him, he is nothing shy of the devil. Has a lot of K-9 tendencies. He doesn't like to be all up on you, but he does generally linger within 2-3 feet of wherever I am just to hang out. Although I'd prefer him to be a strictly indoor cat he spends quite a bit of time outside in the evening after I'm home from work defending the perimeter. Several times a week I'm gifted with decapitated random animals from the neighborhood, mostly field mice and moles but he did manage to catch a rabbit a few months ago.
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