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      03-08-2019, 07:59 AM   #535
Rmtt's Avatar

Drives: 2011 BMW 128i, 2008 LS3 C6
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: South Carolina

iTrader: (3)

So I decided to take this morning off after yesterday's workout. I feel really refreshed now as I actually got in about two hours of extra sleep, and I never do that often even when I try.

So tomorrow will be Bench. Multiple sets of 315 at 3 reps, and then EMOM sets at 275 at the end. Plus I always do Face-Pulls in between my bench sets. It really helps when setting up for the next bench set as far as retracting your scapula.

Then I have EMOM sets of incline bench presses as my Tier 2 exercise. Phone app has me doing these with 225. Then I finish with some pullover work to stretch out my ribcage, and move on to a few triceps exercises.
Everybody has a gameplan....until they get punched in the mouth.
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