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      01-03-2019, 11:17 AM   #2095
King Rudi
Lieutenant Colonel
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Drives: Meat Suit
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Planet Earth

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Last night was working on legs. I start my session and none of the leg machines are being used by the resolutioners....go figure. As I finish the first machine, I wipe it down and headed to the next station where these two "heavier" (and this is me being kind) ladies literally snake me as I'm about to get on the machine. I kid you not, I was less than a foot away from the machine when one just stepped in front of me. She did 1 set of 5 @ 20 lbs. and sat there for 5 minutes. Then the her buddy gets on and does nothing as they just sit there and talk. Then some guy who looks like he should have been a backyard wrestler whose only exercise is 12 oz. curls (black flaming do-rag, mullet, cut off jean shorts and all) comes up to the two homely ass women and starts flirting with them.

As pissed as I was, I ended up doing chest in the middle of my leg session. After I had done everything that I could do to wait on them to move, aprox 20 minutes; I finally went over and asked that if they weren't using the machine would they mind to finish their conversation elsewhere. Of course the thrift store assassin decided he wanted to show these "ladies" how bad he was and give me the stink-eye about it but never actually said a word. The three of them watched me finish my session in the corner while giving me dirty looks.
Originally Posted by jmg View Post
We're Americans. Leave your logic and science witchcraft out of this! Jesus and guns are all we need.

Last edited by King Rudi; 01-03-2019 at 12:24 PM..
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