Originally Posted by sparkyg
It'd be rice, come on. The attraction o the Veyron is that it is not from Japan.
You would get bland styling, lots of plastic and everything that would make sense to a Japanese car maker.
use your head before you speak. bland styling, plastic parts, etc. are the characteristics of Japanese automobiles as they come directly off the production line (aka stock Toyotas, Nissans, Hondas, etc). JUN is not a corporate automobile manufacturer - it is a specialty tuner that puts function BEFORE form (like so many other Japanese tuners). they use carbon fiber and other high quality light weight materials, not plastic crap. and JUN is more focused on motorsport than the creators of the Veyron ever were.
Originally Posted by AJerman
Edit: Or looking at the pic I should say since it's not a video. Either way, Bugatti did more than enough tuning. The giant wing is silly. Bugatti's wing setup is very finely tuned and it wouldn't reach the same speeds with that one. They did so much tuning that they said they tried to change or take off the mirrors and the car would start floating because even the side mirrors provided JUST enough downforce to keep the thing planted. Still, it's a nice pic, but if anyone were to do that they'd actually make the Veyron worse than it is now.
you completely missed the point of such a concept car. the last thing JUN would be interested in doing is making the world's fastest/most powerful production car into something faster in a straight line - rather JUN would be trying to make it faster/quicker around a circuit. not only does it take FOREVER for a Veyron to get close to its top speed, but it also needs a ALOT of distance to do it. 99% of circuits around the world don't have starights long enough for the Veyron to hit top speeds anyways. JUN would know that the OEM spoiler serves next to no purpose unless its traveling at ridiculously high speeds - a bigger spoiler serves more of a purpose around a circuit. if JUN turned the Veyron into something worse than it was bone stock, it would only be from a straight line/drag racing point of view. there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that JUN could turn this into a MUCH better track car than it is in stock form.
Originally Posted by ironic
nice, but if it's going for top speed wouldn't the additional downforce actually be detrimental. when u put the veyron in top speed mode it actually decreases downforce by lowering the rear wing and decreasing drag.
look, i know this isn't an official proposal by JUN, and that its just some enthusiast's photoshop. but come on, is it not glaringly obvious in the picture that this is a track concept, and not a "how fast can i go in a straight line" concept? besides, if you know anything about JUN, you'd know that they'd be far more interested in turning a Veyron into a respectable track/circuit car, and not trying to increase its straight line speed.