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      08-07-2018, 11:20 AM   #16
spazzyfry123's Avatar

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So I was going through my hard copy of the lease initially and evidently am missing THE page I need.

I was just going through my electronic copy and found this:

We'll act with customary diligence to:
(1) keep common areas reasonably clean, subject to paragraph 25
(Condition of the Premises and Alterations);
(2) maintain fixtures, furniture, hot water, heating and A/C
(3) comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws
regarding safety, sanitation, and fair housing; and
(4) make all reasonable repairs, subject to your obligation to pay for
damages for which you are liable.

If we violate any of the above, you may terminate your tenancy and
exercise other remedies under state statute only as follows:

(a) you must make a written request for repair or remedy of the
condition, and all rent must be current at the time;
(b) after receiving the request, we have a reasonable time to repair,
considering the nature of the problem and the reasonable availability
of materials, labor, and utilities;
(c) if we haven't diligently tried to repair within a reasonable time, you
must then give us written notice of intent to terminate your tenancy
unless the repair is made within 7 days;
(d) if repair hasn't been made within 7 days, you may terminate your
tenancy and exercise other statutory remedies. Security deposits and
prorated rent will be refunded as required by law;
(e) you may terminate your tenancy under this provision only if
the repair or condition is so material and substantial as to render the
apartment unfit for habitation; and

(f) you must move out of the apartment on or before the termination
date specified in your notice.
In my eyes, I've got a winning case and don't even have to go down Threatening Lane. This case was originally opened with corporate on 5/8 with it still outstanding on 8/7 regardless of the maintenance team marking it closed.
Appreciate 0