Thread: IT Salary
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      03-19-2008, 01:57 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by tek818 View Post
In LA... being an independent IT consultant is the way to go imho... FAWK working for the man. I'm 27, make nice 6 fig, call my own shots and do as I please. You just gotta know people...
independent contractors are good if you just want to make money quick. No real benefits, no 401k, no pension. I will soon make close to 6 figures, but I get full benefits (medical/dental/vision), 401k where they match contributions up to 15%, AND i get a pension (like hte federal government employees) where my company takes 10% of my annual salary and deposits it into an account for retirement. You are vested after 3 years, and just imagine 10% of 10 year worth of your salary plus interest....

Free money, and more job security IMHO.

It's nice to be your own boss and everything, but once you get a management gig...your more/less your own boss
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