Originally Posted by Hawkeye
I put nothing down because when they give you a loan at a rate much lower than your investment return... debt makes sense. I don't get the "evil debt" mentality... debt is great when it is used wisely.
Agreed. Cheap debt is not a bad thing. For me personally, I just cant bring myself to do it. Would I have been better off to take that $25k I put down at the end of 2016 and invest instead? Yes, 100% better off. Rationally, logically, I know this but I still cant be under water on an asset. I just cant. It's like marrying a stripper. You know right from wrong. You know you shouldn't. But some guys just cant help themselves.
I also know that logically speaking I should have invested that $25k I put down and then taken my $450ish per month car payment and invested that as well, and just ride the bus everywhere. THAT would be sound financial choices. But you gotta live a little.