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      05-22-2018, 02:49 PM   #298

Drives: Satan's Chariot 2.0
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
Good point, I also think the health of the relationship plays a big part in this as well. I've had girls flirt with me while I was in a relationship, but since I was happy I just kind of played it off or ignored it. When people are unhappy, they are more likely to seek out other attention or give in to temptation from others.

I think the sexualization of everything (ads, movies, facebook, snapchat, music, etc) does increase the temptation for people to stray away from relationships though.
True. I'll also add that cheating happens a lot because this digital age has made it far too easy to simply walk away & start over with the a new guy/girl vs actually put the effort needed into your relationship. Ask me how I know. People are generally lazy lying assholes anymore. Dating is hell right now. Wear a helmet.
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