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      04-24-2018, 11:10 AM   #12
Captain Blood

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Originally Posted by jaye944 View Post
Anyone seen the Lost in Space - reboot

God it's awful, the "ONLY" thing I thought was good was making Dr.S a female.
but other than that, they have ruined the gut's out of it.

I loved the original show, along with LOTG, "Voyage.." Time Tunnel

part of my youth, I hated most things at that age, TV show's was my only escapism, and now there ruining these shows

I really like it. Its much better than the original and much better than the movie. Though its NOT battlestar galactica, it reminds me of it in some ways. Especially Parker Posey as Dr. Smith as opposed to the original Baltizar in the original battlestar as opposed to the reboot. Both very original and enjoyable to watch.

(Spoiler Alert)
The only part I haven't liked so far was the Jupiter 2 escape out of the glacier. It lost the "suspension of disbelief" on that one.
Appreciate 1