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      09-27-2017, 01:17 PM   #25
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Drives: I don't own a car.
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Lost as usual

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Originally Posted by jmg View Post
I've had a problem with manuals three times in my life.

The first time was when I was so sick I almost died, literally. I had so much abdominal pain, it was excruciating to not only shift, but to even press the clutch. Being the overly proud guy, I thought I just needed to go home and sleep it off. Turned out I needed to go to the ER. I did eventually, but not after that painful drive home.

The second time was when I broke my right arm but didn't even know it. I thought I just banged up my elbow and went to work like normal. My coworkers noticed how pale I looked and I admitted my arm hurt. Stubbornly, I wanted to go to the hospital near home which was an hour away. Every shift with my broken right arm was alike the burning hell and I thought I was going to pass out in my hour drive. I would try to use my left arm, but of course in stop and go traffic, it was a pita. 2nd gear stop-and-go was a godsend.

The third time was when I sprained my left ankle. Yes, yes, I know... another medical issue. This one lasted a few weeks while I healed in crutches. My wife doesn't drive stick, so I couldn't trade with her. I soon figured out a specific angle my left foot could engage the clutch without too much pain. Not fun, but I got through it.
I dropped a log on my left foot about 4 years ago. The few hundred lbs kind of destroyed all the right ligaments in my ankle and after icing (not an issue in Finland lol) i had to use a stick to operate the clutch on my way home.

Medical issues happen, but i think a good rule to us all should be that of you can't drive a stick due to a condition, don't fucking drive.

Epic shit old friend. Epic.
Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
You're still a little new here, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Whenever Lups types gibberish, this is an opportunity for you to imagine it to be whatever you'd like it to be.
Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
How would you know this? Did mommy catch you jerking off to some Big Foot porn ?
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