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      09-20-2017, 11:17 PM   #17
Brigadier General

Drives: 2013 135i
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: DC

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Originally Posted by amgraham View Post
I like the Ryobi offering but they're not exactly established in garage door openers.

If you're looking at Chamberlain's... Take a look at the Craftsman. Most of their range seems to be OEM'ed from Chamberlain. I got Chamberlains when I replaced mine a few years ago. Belt drive. Quiet, quiet, quiet. At least compared to whatever chain drive was in there. My folks bought a house, 3/4s finished, a few years ago. Developer went under. When helping them find openers, I found that the Craftsmen were OEM'ed from Chamberlain and typically sold for $30-$50 less for the same unit. More... if you watch for Sears to put them on sale.

I do have the battery backup. Still works after probably 4 years. ...and I got the wifi but... I've never bothered. I like that the box said it had it but then I found out you had to have a bridge hooked up to your router and pay for a subscription service to an app on your phone. No thanks. The key panel on the outside works find in a pinch.
At least for the WiFi add on module I have from Chamberlain paired with my Genie Excelerator, I don't have to pay for any subscription service to run the app on my smart phone nor access it via their web portal. Also, didn't need a bridge to connect it up to my WiFi network.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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