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      07-22-2017, 10:27 PM   #1

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Work issues (how to approach boss) input needed

Hello all,
I've been at my current job since 2010 and I'm a pharmacy technician. I've been a tech since 2005 and I really love the job, and I'm thinking about applying to Pharmacy school next year. I make an "ok" living and one day would like to live on my own. I'm currently in my mid thirties, but the cards I've been dealt have never ever been in my favor. Two heart transplant recepient in '99 and '08, AED installed in '97 and hernia surgery in March of this year. That's not everything, but you get it. I'm just sharing the shit show I've had to deal with during my Adolesence years. Moving on.....

In April of '10 I started working at a retail pharmacy (Mom and Pop Pharmacy). It was quite a transition due to the fact that I had worked at CVS pharmacy from '06-'08. CVS fired me in late '08 because I had heart issues and was getting ready for my second transplant. I didn't have the time to fight with them over rights and their bullshit. I had to be admitted a week later into the hospital because I had a clot in one of my coronaries. In October '08 I almost died but I did get a new organ and another shot at life.
In Spring of '09 I looked all over for a pharmacy tech position and no one was hiring whatsoever. Also, remember in '09 the economy was at it's worst and finding any job was nearly impossible. It wasn't easy for me either, depression hit me hard and people I went to high school with were graduating with degrees on Facebook. ADHD wasn't kind to me at all. I kept looking and was determined to find a job, and finally that happened in January of '10. I took a job at a local popular sports bar working as a food runner. I wasn't thrilled but I had no choice at this point in my life.
Moving forward, I left the restaurant job because my old boss from CVS called me to inform me that a job opening was available at a retail (mom and Pop) pharmacy. I was thrilled and got the job, but after just 2 months all pharmacy staff got held up at gun point due to the opiod epidemic that still goes on til this day.
I applied to another pharmacy after quitting the previous pharmacy a month later. I was putting up with really bad nightmares that haunted me for quite sometime. I started the new retail pharmacy 2 months after leaving the previos pharmacy job. I loved it so much better than my previous pharmacy job, I'm a firm believer that shit happens for a reason.
I'm still at the same pharmacy til this day and love it here. However, there were some transitions that I wasn't told prior to happening in '14. The owners sold the pharmacy in April of '14. The pharmacy went through some drastic changes from physical to internal changes. The new owners of the pharmacy were very smart, educated and overwhelming in the beginning. They were strict, firm and somewhat reasonable. For me, I was very overwhelmed, intimidated and ADHD was just burying me due to mistakes.
Currently working with me since ownership transition in April of '14. I have a pharmacist, "administrator", and 2 techs working the specialty side of the pharmacy. I work the retail end, and I pull a majority of the weight in the pharmacy, only because I have more certifications with compounding and some light chemo. Not only that, but I'm the only employee that has worked their the longest (7 years) til this day. New owners bumped up my pay a month after transition, then after 2 months they lowered my income. I blame it on the ADHD and myself. I put up with ADHD for quite sometime when I was younger, but couldn't get on the stimulants due to my medical history and side effects. So, I only did something about my ADHD in January of '17, since then I've been kicking ass and learning more and the owners are extremely happy. In the handbook it states that every employee should get a review on an annual basis. I haven't had a review since '14 and that 's when they lowered my income.
For this purpose, we'll call the "Administrator" "Jackie". Jackie was hired in '09, she worked next door to my pharmacy in a travel agency. One of the owners hired her, for what reason puzzles me to this day. I have no idea.
She has no pharmacy work history, but before ownership transition in '14 she was always out "marketing" with this one particular owner and never ever helping out with pharmacy related work. Nope, she was always in and out doing a bunch of nothing. As time went on, we all just assumed that she was hooking up with the owner, because she didn't bring in any business with all the marketing she claimed she did. It was just a joke.
During ownership transition Jackie started to work behind the pharmacy all of a sudden. During the transition she started showing up every morning and "pretending" to work, but she was only typing bullshit emails to the previous owner and shopping online. I'm a firm believer that the previous owner lied straight to the faces to the new owners about "Jackie" and her scope of work. It made me sic and I wanted to say something, but I couldn't because I didn't know the new owners that well. Nor did I want to be "that guy" either so I rolled with the punches.

Til this day, Jackie has the sweetheart deal at my pharmacy. She does nothing but type emails about her side gig travel job all day, runs outside during business hours to call the previous owner to tell him private information on what's going on with pharmacy business. She runs personal errands, and takes hours and hours of time to do them. When the owners come up to visit monthly, she kisses their ass and is so fake. She brings in no money to the pharmacy at all, and contributes nothing. That is it! Nothing more, nothing less. Right now for 1 week, she's in Las Vegas paid vacay to pick up minuscule checks from a wholesale convention.
What kills me is that I had to pull out a check from the company check book last year to pay a vendor. Next to the check that I pulled out, was the stub titled: "Jackie's pay". I about fell over and died I was soo pissed off and angry, and I still am to this day. They're paying her under the table, so her insurance doesn't go up. Here's the kicker, those 4 owners that took over in '14, well 3 of them book their vacations and trips through Jackie and she makes a nice commision everytime she books one of their trips every 2 months. Jackie showed me her commision book not that long ago, because we were talking about bullshit and business one day. I almost lost it when she showed me her comission for one of their vacations. Since then, I've been trying to keep it together but it's not easy especially when you have to look at this individual on a day to day business. All I want to do is spit when I walk into work.
Don't get me wrong at all, I love working for the company but the "Jackie" situation is a fucking joke. If I setup a meeting next time the owners are in town and vent I think they'll tell me to leave. I'm well over due for a raise, and my Pharmacy Manager doesn't have my back at all. He doesn't have my back at all. We get along and he's happy with my work ethic, but when it comes down to work politics he doesn't have the balls to say anything to the owners. How do I approach the owners the next time they're visiting my pharmacy on "Jackie" and an over due raise that I'm owed? Should I not say anything about Jackie or kind of hint some other way to justify myself? I dont want to say anything bad to where they'll just show me the door. It's a very very difficult situation, and I don't know how to approach them about my concerns without blowing it. I've been working at their pharmacy for quite sometime, and I'm not being acknowledged at all in years.

Last edited by SixBanger; 07-23-2017 at 01:12 PM..
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