Nm should be dropped. It was an observation as to an answer that included it for no reason.
Antych still never gave the answer to the original question yet.
Yes the answer is in the formula. But he was asking something similar to why is some water hot and some cold. The answer is one has more heat in it. Not a discussion about Kelvin vs Fahrenheit or Celsius, or how much is needed of each to generate a specific temperature...The only thing necessary to answer the op original question was some engines make power earlier and some later in the torque curve. Done.
The Aussie system is different from the USA and Euro system, and pretty much everyone else. No reason they shouldn't adopt a standard that is largely used throughout the would except to be different and stubborn. Unless its the Brits being stubborn because I've only compared Brit to US to Aussie.
Last edited by Fundguy1; 05-03-2017 at 07:02 PM..