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      02-12-2008, 12:59 PM   #1
I like monkeys.

Drives: Jet black 2006 BMW E90 330i
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Orange County, CA

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Question Combat! Who would win?

What: All out war. An intense, deadly, dirty, loud, vicious, horrible war.

Where: Earth

When: Any time you want.

Why: Unimportant.

And most importantly...

Who: Humans and ants. Yes, I do mean the annoying little bugs that crawl around and inhabit most of the planet. As for humans, I'm referring to the human race as a whole.

Now, you may be somewhat confused, or just laughing your ass off at this point... However, I'd like you to think about it for a moment. Who would win in an all out war? The ants or the humans?Some of you may be thinking the ants don't stand a fighting chance, but lets step back and take a look at some things...

- There is an estimated 1,000,000 (one million) ants per every human*
- Some are able to travel underground by creating tunnels
- Some are able to fly
- Some are able to create rafts out of themselves to cross bodies of water**
- Some are able to inflict excruciating pain with a single bite/sting***
- There are cases of ants actually killing humans****

I could probably go on, but I think this is sufficient for now.

- Chemical and physical weapons
- Long life span
- More complex thought processes
- Much larger in size than ants

These are just a few obvious things, but I figured I'd throw them in so it didn't look like I was attempting to bias the outcome. So, what do you think would happen? If the ants and humans declared an all out war against each other, how would it end? Why do you feel that way?

On a side note: My first post! I've been visiting these forums ever since I purchased my first BMW a little over a month ago, but never joined until now. Just wanted to say hello!

*, (Not the most reputable sources, but who cares?)
"Driving is an art, and a BMW is the perfect paintbrush."

Last edited by Kilockel; 02-12-2008 at 01:48 PM..
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