Originally Posted by R3dliner
Those Scum bags. Yea my EZ pass is from NY. At least I save on the GW or I would have a sh*t fit
I really think EZPass is EZPass, no matter where it was issued, except for commuter plans (where you have to go x number per month), all tagholders should get a discount if it exists....I felt robbed coming back over the Verrazano and then getting hit with a $16 cash rate....
(riddle me this, there's a bridge in MD parallel to I-95 called the Hatem Memorial. It used to be you could pay $10 for a decal, and use it for one year, unlimited. It went to EZPass, and today, it's also $6 or $8 each time, just like I-95. How does that work? The math is mind-boggling. lol)