Originally Posted by Lups
I've had the pleasure of meeting a bear on my "backyard".
My family summerhouse is a big bear country and as it usual for us finns, I was at ours alone with my dog (k, this was over 20 years ago, and please note that I am not really a normal girl, or a woman).
It was late spring, and I took my dog out for his normal "hey let's walk for miles so I can feel like im not torturing you when we we go fishing later" walk around 5am.
I wasn't paying attention, so I heard it too late. There is no excuse for me realizing so late that I was listening in on something big shredding a tree.
Back then we were told to walk calmly away while making noise, so I sang very badly the three songs I knew oh so well that I wouldn't miss a beat. My Karelian bear dog went after the sound and quickly came back to me which made the singing and walking faster.
There is a photo of my 10 or something old me in the bears puppy's footprint taken the next day. The birds were quiet the next day, but that was probably due to the traumas my singing caused. I still feel bad about that.
Your epic language skills make EVERY SINGLE STORY better. I mean that. Also, now that I have watched your interview, I hear it in your voice. The best. So, we need to see the picture - you do realize this. If it came down to hand-to-paw combat, I would still pick 10 year old Lups over the bear.