04-04-2016, 06:52 PM
Brit Abroad
Drives: 2016 Frozen Black M4
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Dallas, TX
Originally Posted by JoyRin
Originally Posted by grimlock
So what happened the other time?
Last year when i had my modded suby, i was pulling in my driveway at 11pm at night. Car in opposite direction was slowing down and about to make left turn (right from his perspective) onto the street right passed my house. His mid-turn and my mid-turn into my driveway matched up in a way where as soon as the side profile of my car (again modded car, rims, etc.) aligned up with the other car's headlight path, he immediately slowed almost to a stop mid-turn. We're only about 30 yds away from each other. He slowly creeps, then accels slightly to complete his turn and out of view. i remain on the driveway still not opening the garage, a little weirded out by that little incident. Then maybe like 10 seconds later, he re-appears backtracking to my street. Turns right towards me, slowly cruises till he reaches a few feet before my house and then accels normally. Im looking down at my phone the whole time pretending im picking someone up or something, keeping an eye on this car. This time, i didn't even see what kind of car it was until it passed me. All i saw was a white car and headlights. When it passed though, i got to say, it wasn't a car you normally see around my neighborhood. Talk about red flags...early 2000's dodge sedan, black fender, chrome caps, and............................really dark windows.
In all seriousness, this wasnt really life threatening or anything like that. But context comes into play on this one as dudes will come around at random times to scope out houses. I did actually call the cops on this one asking them to patrol more.
I'd move.