I debadge one of my cars.I have a ACTIVEHYBRID 3 on my trunk lid AND ON BOTH SIDES ON BOTH C PILLARS.There is no reason for any car company to use my vehicle as a billboard.Unless they are paying me monthly to advertise for them .I have also a 435 Msport w 19 " which is not Xdrive . I am fine with the 435i but if I got the 435i Xdrive I would remove the Xdrive emblem.It does make the trunk lid look too busy.I was curious why the could not have badged the hybrid as AH3 or 335h ,it would have been so much more pleasant .My M4 doesn't say MOTORSPORT 4 on the back

When I lease return the hybrid I am going to attach the 3 ACTIVEHYBRID 3 emblems to my key ring with the 2 keyfobs,they might charge me if they are missing