Originally Posted by smoosh
ok she stepped out, i whined a little, i went on a date with seven since then and banged four... your point ?
jesus christ ya'll are constantly bringing up me and my ex like you all have never went through a rough break up before...
a cheating, psychopathic whore stepped out on me and you're using that against me as if it's a horrible moment of my past and the biggest mistake of my life that i should feel ashamed about
brain functioning, not even once brah
Don't think it's because none of us ever went through a break up before... I think it was more what a whiny woe is me sniveling let me post it all over the Internet and then not follow what anyone said and still pine for her...
Fast forward a few weeks and you sit here and brag about all the chicks you've smashed and jizzed in and have a air of superiority and utter disrespect for women and also other people on this forum like you're suddenly some bad ass... Don't get it, do you? It's not that nobody has sympathy for you for what happened, it's how you're carrying yourself afterwards - throwing shade on people like you getting laid makes you better... Difference is, we get laid on the reg, don't need to boast about it repeatedly on a forum... It's comical how she went from the love of your life and you couldn't live without and how you can't stop wondering who she's boning and if she enjoys it more than she did with you to now a "whore" and "bitch"... Have some goddamn respect because judging from your attitude and personality, none of us blame her for dipping out... You're still that sniveling little kid with his first girlfriend who probably rightfully left you... No amount of bragging or disrespecting other forum members is going to change that image of you...