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      03-25-2016, 02:26 PM   #48
Warrant Officer
WreckerX5d's Avatar

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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Long Island, NY

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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka
Originally Posted by Wrecker335d View Post
152mph indicated in a 2002 Jetta. (dumb)
132mph in the 335d. (not so dumb)
140mph sustained for 40mins in a 350z. (very dumb)
I remember driving to Chicago one time about 4 days before Christmas in my 2001 E46M3. We left at about 1am and as soon as i got on I75 just outside of Tampa i came up next to a C55 AMG. We got to messing around and before you knew it my fuel light was on and i had to turn off, well in to GA. lol

I wasn't looking at the speedo at all when driving with the Merc and really didn't think much of it, so i didn't quantify how quickly we made it to our first fuel stop. But, being astounded how good of time were were making, we kept track for the rest of the trip. We needed up making it to Kankakee, IL which is just outside of Chicago, in 14h 15min. A drive which is supposed to take about 16.5hrs.
Pretty similar story for me, happened on I95 in Georgia with 3 to 4 other cars. It took us 45mins to travel the 112miles on that stretch of road.
Deleted, ATM I/C and tuned by B.R.R.
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