Originally Posted by NEFARIOUS
Never had any luck with online dating... I had an LDR when I was younger, but it didn't pan out after; never met anybody offline despite many attempts, including that lady I just mentioned. Everybody I've met/been with/slept with were people I found in person or at the very least, introduced by someone, including my current girlfriend.
All the more power to you, man. Maybe I'll try that eventually.
Originally Posted by chaungo
I just started bumble a week ago, and every single girl that popped up were at least a 8.5/10, I haven't been able to swipe left yet....lol, this is a good sign.
In the meanwhile, I went on a couple dates with a chick from tinder but she's actually looking for a relationship, so just netflix no chill.
I went on another date (first)(tinder) with one a couple hours ago and we just got done netflixing and chilling (aw yis) unfortunately, she just laid there like a dead fish....*sigh* (no she's not actually dead for those about to ask) 
Wait....the dick put her to sleep? Or you did?