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      02-18-2016, 11:26 AM   #51
Lieutenant Colonel
brianeck's Avatar

Drives: 2022 M340ix Mineral Grey
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Nyack NY

iTrader: (0)

I have successfully Tinder'd in the US, Turkey, and Japan and actually I've met some pretty cool girls. . . I'm just out of a 3 year serious relationship and I'm very happy/confident about where I stand in my life right now, so I think not coming off as desperate and just communicating without "trying to get laid" have been solid factors, but it's been a fun experience and its a great time killer.

I'm very selective so my "like return" isn't that high, but I tend to get like 1/70 or so to swipe back and I tend to swipe while I'm on the can, so 2 dumps a day and I have plenty of ammo

I use Tinder and Bumble. . . Just started Bumble the other day. And to anyone who says they do it the "old fashioned way," so do I! I just like using all the tools at my disposal.

I actually ended up getting with one girl who didn't like me on Tinder, but recognized me from my profile and came up and talked to me at the gym and we hit it off after that, so I'm definitely a believer.

m340ix Mineral Grey/Tacora Red
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