Originally Posted by Mr Tonka
My head still hurts from a 3 hour meeting with my insurance agent yesterday..... Sooo many words in the policy that actually carry weight. He showed me dec pages from a shitty carrier that looked like you are well covered, but then showed me the following 80 pages of explanation that explained they didn't cover jack shit unless this or that or unless the moon was 82.671258% showing at 8:29pm GMT on Dec 21st 2016. Completely crazy to think that crap is legal.
Think about what Medical insurance is like today, you have no idea whether your covered of not and how much it will cost you in the end.
The funny thing about all the insurance stuff. I had a few antque cars and had special antique insurance and it was the easies policy to understand I ever read. It basically said the car was protected against anything and if someone hit it, the car would be returned to the condition prior to the accident, none of this it is not worth fixing. The only except was if it was damage due to nuclear war.