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      10-12-2015, 01:09 PM   #40
TXSTYLE's Avatar

Drives: M8 Gran Coupe Comp & X5M Comp
Join Date: May 2013
Location: The Burbs - N TX

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This shit is DEFINITELY running rampant!!!

I had it or a variant of the Flu last week myself:

Woke up, felt very blah, had my usual Protein Shake. @ 30min later, vomited it all up and had diarrhea. I tried to drink some water, would not stay down. Zero appetite the entire day and eventually started running a fever!
Later that day, I made fresh Ginger and Honey Tea but added salt to it as well. I also ate a half croissant. Was able to keep it down. Then took 2 advil (400mg) and that night, my wife made me chicken & rice soup. I woke up the following day feeling almost my normal self. Rested and took it easy that whole next day. Temp normal. I drank Gatorade and Green Tea and very lite food. I was back to normal after the 3rd day.
My wife and younger son had similar symptoms prior themselves. And several friends who I had no contact with also had this.

Hopefully my above remedies will help you all if you get sick...
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