Originally Posted by PINeely
Every food has been genetically modified. Such is the result of selecting for certain genes in breeding animals and crops. If there were any appreciable risk to gene changes in plants we would have all died long ago.The only trouble with GMO food is that it has been engineered to resist pests, in turn making stronger pests which then run rampant on non-GMO crops. The food itself is perfectly safe to eat.
A huge portion of organic food is grown in China before being frozen and shipped here.
Pesticides are still used in most agriculture, including some Organic foods.
The only way to get away from this is to raise, harvest and eat your own food. I say just be happy that you live somewhere where you have the luxury of turning down food because it doesn't meet your standards. Not long ago the government of Zambia refused huge amounts of US-grown corn on the premise that it was genetically modified. Do you think the people starving over there care whether their food is hippie-approved?
If you want to burn a torch with the food companies, how about the fact that Monsanto owns patents on the soybean and forces farmers to sell their land to them by using these patents in lawsuits? How about the fact that millions of animals are killed and mangled by combine harvesters every year and left to rot in a field somewhere? There are many more but GMO crops aren't one of them.
We are evolving around GMO crops, just as they are evolving around us.
You contradict yourself quite a bit. Russia and china are also rejecting our genetically modified food so at this point it is hurting the U.S economy. There is a difference between natural breeding and inserting genes from a different species. Almost all genetic modification is done for pesticide or herbicide resistance and in the case of bt corn the plant itself produces the pesticide. The reason Monsanto owns the patent on soybeans is because they are genetically modified. So your saying that your body is going to acclimate to be able to handle high levels of glyphosate (roundup) and 2,4-d (agent orange).