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      02-26-2014, 02:11 PM   #85
There is No Substitute
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Drives: Audi A6, 997 GT3 RS, E90 335i
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Originally Posted by kmarei View Post
you do realize that the $350,000,000 in bitcoins that were hosted at mt gox were all cryptocurrencies right?
and that was 6% of the available bitcoins on the market
so you really think you know more about this than the people who generated all that income?
What income? You mean the $350,000,000 of crypto currency that disappeared into thin air?

if you read up on mtgox, they are currently down
but the bitcoins that were stored there are safe
so its simply a matter of the site reorganizing and they will be back in business
Right, they'll be back in business any day now.

I'm glad you're sticking to your guns Kmarei, let me know when you get that new fleet of M-Cars.
'13 Audi A6
'07 Porsche GT3 RS
'08 BMW E90 335i
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