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      01-21-2014, 01:14 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by NemesisX
Originally Posted by Endless619 View Post
Great post if you believe in this sort of thing.

However I am one that was brought up in a family that does not believe in ghosts, demons, possessions or any evil spirits. I am sorry to say but they just do not exist. There truly is an explanation for everything we see and do. This is murder, anyway you dice it, regardless of a belief.

A majority of the scientific community agree that this type of behavior is triggered by mental instability or a number of other things.
You're taking his first paragraph out of context. Devious doesn't believe in ghosts or spirits. And more fundamentally, he's critical of people holding unsubstantiated beliefs.

Unsubstantiated beliefs - whether they derive from religion, alternative "medicine," or the supernatural - should be challenged if proponents are unable to present sound evidence in support of their religious, "medical," or supernatural claims.

The story in question is an example of unsubstantiated religious thinking gone tragically awry.
When I wrote my post I had worried that it may be misinterpreted, especially for people who's first language isn't English, because of the way I chose to phrase it.

Nemesis clarified it perfectly.

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