Originally Posted by Dashmann
Really? I have studied WWII in great depth, have you?
You consider those willing to sacrifice themselves for a cause cowards. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. I suspect its always been that way.
what a stupid sentiment.
ok, bin ladin was a freedom fighter, maybe i should respect him too? who gives a shit that he killed 3000+ americans, he did it for a cause, and that makes it acceptable. I'm sure no american will be pissed if i pay tribute to bin ladin
if you know an ounce of history, you'll find that this 'war hero' is no different to the terrorist that piloted the 9/11 planes.
this case is offensive because Japan was in the wrong, in terms of human rights and did horrible things to the citizens of the victims. Japan acknowledged it and apologised in some cases. to celebrate a soldier brainwashed in these ideals is just offensive to these affected, and is contradicting to their acknowledgement in wrong doings.