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      11-10-2013, 09:40 PM   #11

Drives: BMW Z4
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: HK

iTrader: (0)

Do you want generic status symbol #1 or generic status symbol #2?

Unless you're just boundlessly passionate about watches (which is maybe like .01% of the population) the only reason you would want to get either of these two watches is because they are status symbols.

So the next question you have to ask yourself is who do you want recognizing your watch? Rolex tends to have broader brand recognition among average people. If an average person sees or even hears the name "Rolex" they automatically think you're rolling in millions of dollars even though statistically speaking you probably aren't (while most multimillionaires wear rolexes, most people who wear rolexes aren't multimillionaires).

If you want your watch to project wealth to a broad range of people, get the Rolex. If you don't mind the fact that some average people may not even recognize "Omega" as a "status symbol" brand, then get the Omega.

Beyond that it's really about aesthetics and how the watch fits you (although again there are plenty of watches out there that look almost exactly the same as these watches for 1/10 of the price but the brands aren't perceived as status symbols).
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