Originally Posted by ddk632
S1000RR is pretty badass. I actually want a middleweight; I used to race an SV650 back in the day and it was tons of fun. But I can understand the desire to go to a literbike.
Was the 848 expensive to run?
How often did you track it?
Any issues with it, or pretty much just get out and ride?
It wasn't very expensive to run because it was/is a fairly easy bike to wrench on and most parts of the bike are easily accessible because of the way the bike is built. I had a hook-up on tires from a guy I tracked/raced with, so SC2/SC3 tires were easy to come by. Dan Kyle helped with the suspension stuff, so I was fortunate to have him 4 or 5 hours away to assist with any issues. More or less I could just jump on the 848 and go. The radiator blew, but Ducati covered that because of a service bulletin.
That bike saw the track at least twice a month, and of the 10k-ish miles that were on the bike when I sold it, at least a good 6-7k were track miles.